I've done something tonight #Miitopia #NintendoSwitch /K9W0Ge1QZp #NintendoSwitch /GyYh9mJOdEįunny purple man (7DCW57) #Miitopia /CLpfmpJWj9
Miitopia access key is 1X6JRXT /uVxkjfWsWkīeen having way too much fun with the Miitopia demo. Slowly figuring out some more Bionicle Kanohi. You can check out some of the more wild examples below:įrom enemies to friends! #Kirby #Miitopia #NintendoSwitch /6HEf4TMIUo As you might expect, just a single day with these new tools has led to an abundance of absurd creations (and recreations) featuring favorite characters and memes.
Unlike the default Mii maker, Miitopia‘s creation tools include a much wider variety of hairstyles, makeup and miscellaneous options. Nintendo recently released a free demo for Miitopia on Switch, giving fans the chance to sink their teeth into the game’s new Mii creation tools.